Wednesday, September 24, 2008

What Do You Think of This New Deal ?

I'm sitting here listening to "Father Bush "and he just uttered some words that perked up my ears. Free Enterprise...he stated he was a firm believer in Free Enterprise without the government being involved.Everything that I have heard tonight reeked of government involvement. Somehow we are going to be paying back this debt that was no doing of our own.Is this you find this fair ? No! I say.
Free Enterprise is one of our freedoms as individuals and businesses to operate our households and businesses as we see fit , without interference from the government. In the marketplace, the owner of a business is trying to make a profit by being creative with their products and have the independence to pursue it. This independence allows individuals and businesses to better their investments.
Sometimes a business will make a series of wrong decisions which in turn will cause them to go under. Households will sometimes bite off more than they can chew. Hence you see homes being sold at auction on the courthouse step for a mere few dollars. No one comes to the citizens rescue. They will lose all that they own for the greed of others.
Now our " Big Brother "is going under, due to making wrong decisions all in the name of making a profit. I've heard it said , that it is the individuals fault for buying more than they can pay back. This is ludicrous! . Have any of these people stood at a gas pump and pumped 16 gallons into their thirsty car? Probably not. Do any of these people go to the grocery store and look upon the prices with despair because they are rising on a weekly basis ? Probably not. Most people live from paycheck to paycheck , week to week.
I consider the 30 year mortgage... the hamster wheel... you go round and round for years only to find if something goes wrong, you will lose all that you have worked for.I f you get sick and can't work , someone will drive up in your driveway and drag your car away.
Does anyone in our government care when this happens to a hard working family ? No! Does anyone in our government care when they drive by a family standing on the street, with everything they own in a pile...and no where to go ?
" Big Brother" at this moment is going down, they mismanaged their money and the money of the people. Their decisions were based on greed and greed alone. Somehow now the people will be expected to pay back this 700,000,000 loan from our government.This will be done through our taxes for one.
Unbelievable that this will be passed down to the people who had nothing to do with it to get it where it is. This is to save all the privileged people... you know the ones... the ones who don't pump gas, visit the grocery store, and think that they work harder for their money.

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